200 000+ Visits
11% conversion rate
55 Venues

We’ve seen new and increased traffic to our website and tours come with a raft of new insight. We’ve been able to showcase not just the array of what we offer but critically, the accessibility options within our centres. A digital game changer, thank you.​

See it in action

The Challenge

Deliver an engaging immersive virtual leisure centre experience to be used to drive online bookings.

The brief was to develop an interactive 3D experience to guide potential clients through various facilities across the UK. Drive bookings through these experiences by allowing users to book directly from the individual facilities.

The Approach

It was crucial that the representation of the venues makes it easy to navigate to the accessibility help points that have been implemented throughout the Leisure Centres

The brief was to develop an interactive 3D experience to guide potential clients through various facilities across the UK. Drive bookings through these experiences by allowing users to book directly from the individual facilities. Relevant customer information has been used throughout the emphasize the facilities available at the individual sites.

The Results

Places Leisure were able to understand Visitor Behaviour and gain valuable insights into how visitors engage and interact with the tour.

They were able to make Data-Driven Decisions and fuel new business decisions and strategies based on the data collected by the powerful analytics system. Get Real-Time Data Access live data streams for users visiting and interacting with the tour.

On Behalf of Councils Nationwide

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