How to Improve Customer Experience Through Digital Touchpoints

These days, where everyone is fighting for a snippet of customers attention online – It’s crucial to ensure that your customers have the best experience possible. The way to do this is by making sure your all of your digital touchpoints connect with your customers and provide them with a seamless, positive, experience. In this blog, we’ll ‘touch-on’ 13 tips on improving these touchpoints, hopefully giving you an insight into improving your customer experience.


Optimise Your Website

Ensure a User-friendly Design

Your website is often the first touchpoint a customer has with your brand, so it’s important to make it highly user-friendly. Simply, this is done by ensure that your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and has that clean look.

More content is not necessarily better. It is well known that too much information can cause viewers to stall and, even worse, back out of the journey they’re on. Rather, keep only content that directly resonates with your customers needs.

Of course, in today’s world, a large percentage of website visitors access sites from their mobile devices. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and can be easily viewed on different portable devices.                  

Focus on Local SEO

Focusing on local SEO can help attract targeted traffic to your website. By optimising your website for local keywords and phrases, you can attract potential customers who are searching for leisure centres in your local area. This can help increase the likelihood of those potential customers actually engaging in with your website with real intent, increasing the possibility of them visiting your facility in person.

Regularly Update Your Content

This is probably the most overlooked aspect. You need to make sure that your images, videos and copy are updated regularly! Fresh content is essential to keep your customers informed and engaged. There is no other way to say it, other than make sure to update your website with new information about your facility, services, and promotions regularly, and make sure to use high-quality images and videos to showcase your facility and services.


Create an App with Enduring Value

Offer Convenience

One of the main reasons why people use mobile apps is for convenience. A brand app can offer convenience in many ways, such as allowing customers to easily book services, receive notifications and reminders, and access relevant information.

Create Personalised Experiences

Personalisation is another key aspect that can make an app valuable to users. By offering personalized content and recommendations based on user preferences and behaviour, an app can enhance the user experience and make it more relevant to their individual needs. For example, GymFitty is an AI-assisted fitness training app. The app enables users to track and monitor their workout progress and provides personalized insights on users fitness and weight goals.

Integrate with Other Systems

Use 3rd party app integrations, such as loyalty programs, wellbeing information, and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, can provide users with a seamless experience and make it easier to track and manage their interactions with the leisure brand.

Remember, a successful app is one that continues to evolve and improve over time. By regularly updating the app with new features and functionality, and soliciting feedback from users, a leisure brand can ensure that the app remains relevant and valuable to its users.

Simplify the Booking Experience

Provide Data Driven Information

Providing relevant information about your service, product or event is critical on the booking page. This includes details about pricing, availability, and any restrictions or special requirements. Use customer data to provide targeted content that is relevant to their interests and needs. This can help build a stronger relationship with your customers and make them feel valued.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Offer customers multiple payment options, such as credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay. This will make the payment process quicker and more convenient for customers. Further to this, it can help attract customers who prefer to book on-the-go and can improve the overall user experience.

Use all-in-one Booking management software

Booking management software can help you manage bookings, availability, and payments in one place. This software is specifically designed for leisure industry businesses such as hotels, holiday parks, and activity centres. Some examples of booking management software are Guestline, LegitFit, and Kigo.

Bring Virtual Reality (VR) into the Mix

VR and AR can provide customers with a more immersive experience and help them visualise what their booking will look like. This technology is particularly useful for leisure industry businesses such as theme parks, museums, and galleries. Modern VR platforms (which predominately used on a phone or laptop with no glasses) allow you to integrate your booking systems directly into the experience, streamlining the whole journey. Meaning guests can book right when they are feeling it the most. You can learn more about VR marketing here.

Interact, Interact, Interact

Implement Live Chat

Consider implementing live chat on your website or social media channels to provide real-time support and answer customer questions. If managed right, this will build you stronger relationships with your customers. offering online support through email, live chat, or a chatbot to help customers with any questions or issues they may have will improve the customer experience and provide a convenient way for customers to get the help they need.

Create Interactive Content

Create interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, or games to engage customers and make their experience with your brand more fun and enjoyable.

Create Interactive maps to help customers plan their visit and get a better understanding of the location. For example, if you are an amusement park or theme park, you could create an interactive map of your attractions, rides, and food options.

Basically, create anything you think is relevant to your brand that cause the use to physically interact with your media, rather than just look at it, it’s that simple.

User Generated Recommendations

Personalised recommendations based on customer preferences and previous bookings can help customers find the perfect experience. It is possible to create a personalised recommendation engine that suggests activities or packages based on customer data. Real world example:

In conclusion, by implementing any one of these 13 strategies, you can improve your customer experiences. And remember, providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for your customers is key to ensuring they come back again and again.