How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Reinventing the Leisure Experience


We are living in a world where technology is constantly improving and changing the way we live, work, and communicate. There are many ways in which this tech trend is making its way into our fitness regimes. From fitness apps that launches AI to track your progress, to 3D images of exercise moves flashed straight onto your TV screen, there are loads of tech advances being made for getting us in shape quicker than ever before.

At Encliptic, we believe that the way to get ahead of your competition is to stay ahead of them. To do this, you must be able to identify your target audience and cater to their needs. But how do you go about doing that? How can you get inside the head of your customer?

Guy in leisure centre lifting barbell

Audience segmentation

Audience segmentation is a huge area of interest for leisure centres now, and there are several companies looking to use AI to help do this. One example is LiftIgniter, which has developed an algorithm that uses data from social media and other sources to create profiles for customers based on their interests and behaviours. This can then be used to target advertising at them more effectively.

In addition to the above steps, the combined value of can be put into action through automated marketing campaigns. The same technology that can be used to create audience profiles can also be used to automatically send out tailored marketing campaigns to individuals or groups of people based on those profiles. For example, if you have identified that someone has been searching for information about a particular type of exercise, it might make sense to send them an offer on gym membership or clothing brands they might like. This can be done via email or through social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook.

Identifying a target audience

AI can be used to identify target audiences, which is one of the most important aspects of any business. It can help you to determine who exactly you need to target and what they want from you. This then enables you to make sure that your marketing strategy is focused on the right people, meaning that your chances of success are much higher.

For example, if you have a fitness centre and want to attract more people from the local community, then AI could be used to gather data about those people and what their needs are likely to be. You would then be able to create content which speaks directly to those needs and interests and use it as part of your marketing strategy.

Personalising the experience of each member

Once you have found your target audience, you can then use the insights to personalise the experience of each member. Personalisation is one of the key trends in marketing. It’s no longer enough to be an impersonal brand that just creates the same experience to anyone who walks through the door, you have to be able to show your members that they are being catered for as an individual.

That’s why AI is so important in this area. It’s a great way to start personalising experiences, by giving users just what they want based on their previous behaviour, habits, and preferences. It can help leisure centres make sure that everyone feels like their needs are being met and can give them a better experience when they visit.

AI-powered personalisation is already being used by some of the world’s leading leisure centre chains, such as Virgin Active and David Lloyd Leisure, with great success. The technology considers everything from weather conditions to an individual’s fitness goals, allowing them to create an individualised workout plan that will help them achieve their goals whilst also keeping things interesting and fun!

Matching Social Media using AI

Matching content to users

The modern consumer is more than a customer, they are a consumer of experiences. And this means that companies need to be able to give them a unique experience that is tailored to their needs, wants, and desires. Now, here is the stage where you can really differentiate from your competitors and increase brand value and customer loyalty.

AI allows leisure centres to create personalised experiences for each customer based on their earlier preferences and interests. This means that leisure centres can offer customers exactly what they want, when they want it, without forcing them into “one size fits all” offerings. This not only improves the customer experience but also helps leisure centres retain customers longer by continuing to provide new experiences that keep them coming back for more!

One of the most important ways AI is being used is in matching content to users. This can be especially useful for fitness classes, where the instructor might be able to tell which exercises are going to be best for you based on your previous performance. This means that everyone gets the most out of their class, and instructors can focus on making sure everyone is getting the correct amount of exercise without having to worry about how people perform each exercise.


It is no longer a question of “if”, but more a question of “when”, regarding the utilisation of AI within the leisure industry. Technology will only be empowering if it helps you do that in some way, so it’s vital to get this strategy right.

When planning to implement any system, the key objective is to make the experience as seamless and easy as possible. Those who incorporate AI into their brands business functions (marketing, sales, and operations) will begin to see not only larger profits from these improvements but also more satisfied members as well. It’s all about putting the customer at the heart of what you do and making their time spent with you as helpful, entertaining, motivating, or informative as you can.